Saturday, March 1, 2014

Tutorial on how to fix internet download manager has been registered with a fake serial number

hey guys this is a tutorial on how to fix the IDM has been registered with a fake serial number.


  1. 1. First you need to uninstall your current version of IDM(may need to reboot your pc).
  2. 2. Download the latest version of IDM v6.19 build 2 ***CLICK HERE ***
  3. 3. Install IDM and use patch.
  4. 4.No need to use crack or the serials after using patch.
  5. 5.Your IDM/internet download manager has been registered with a fake serial number will be fixed and wil be activated.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Friday, February 14, 2014


Many Facebook users doesnt know they cant delete Facebook messages from the message inbox with just a single click. Facebook users can retrieve previously deleted messages with few steps. Dont worry if you have accidentally deleted important conversations.

When you click on the tiny cross button against Facebook messages in your inbox, it doesnt delete the message. What it does is move that message toArchived Section.
You can switch between Archived and other sections.
Now Select Archived.

From there you can restore conversations that you want back in to the inbox.


Let check some awesome shortcuts with our PC Keyboard on WINDOWS  using the following cool shortcuts

CTRL+SHIFT+N---Create a New Folder
CTRL+SHIFT+CLICK---Run a Program as Administrator
SHIFT+RIGHTCLICK---Extend Send to Menu
SHIFT+RIGHT-Click on a Folder---Open Command Prompt
WINDOWS+SPACE---Show Desktop
WINDOWS+UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT---Move the Active window
WINDOWS+T---Show Taskbar Items
SHIFT+CLICK on a Taskbar Item---Open a New Instance of the Application
WINDOWS+B---Move Focus to the System Tray
WINDOWS+1, WINDOWS+2, WINDOWS+3…---Opening Taskbar Programs
WINDOWS+PAUSE---Check System Properties
CTRL+SHIFT+ESC---windows Task Manager

Friday, January 3, 2014

ATM’s Robbed With USB

Researchers at the Chaos Communication Congress have said that Cash machines running Windows XP have been attacked.  It appears as though criminals have managed to steal money from cash machines earlier this year, using USB sticks and exploiting the security of Microsoft’s, now very old, Windows XP operating system.
Researchers speaking at the Chaos Communication Congress, organised by the Chaos Computing Club in Germany, said attackers hit an unspecified number of cash machines.  They cut away at the chassis of the ATM to reveal the USB slot.  They the high tech thieves uploaded malware to the machine.  This then meant they could draw out cash via their own hidden menu, according to various reports.
ATM USB Robbery
The malware had been created to target one bank, but the researchers, who wished to remain unnamed, have warned about an enormous number of financial institutions which still use susceptible software in their ATMs.
It appeared the offenders were well funded and experienced. One researcher suggested they had an inside man working for them. The malware they used had the capability to steal customer information but apparently didn’t do so.  “I’m not sure this is the end attack, or the end game,” said one of the researchers, according to Wired. “We’ll probably see this kind of malware on another bank, in another city, on another continent.”
Are we ever really safe from people wanting to steal our data? Our money? Our information and our identities?  I don’t think so.  And if those in the financial arena in charge of keeping ATM security up to date, don’t actually do their job, then things like this will keep on happening.